Itinerary and Map

Our three-week France trip starts mid-October and uses the following itinerary:

  • London: 3 nights
  • Bayeux: 5 nights, with visits to Mont-Saint-Michel, Caen and the D-Day Beaches
  • Segrie: 1 night
  • Chartres: 2 nights, with a visit to Versailles
  • Paris: 8 nights
The blue lines on the map mark our main route, with yellow houses showing or overnight bases. The brown lines lead to flags, which represent tours or day visits.

For a larger version of the map, click the link underneath it. You can then zoom in and out, change to Map view and even drag the little man from the Zoom bar to different locations for a view of the streets.

If you want to know why we picked these places and durations, you'll need to wait for the next post. Comments are always welcome.

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We'll try to update as often as we can find an Internet cafe in Europe.

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